Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi
General Guidelines for writing a B.Tech/M.Tech Report/Thesis
C.P. Ravikumar
Your thesis must be organized as follows
.Other things to remember
Project Presentation
Work that is not well presented will not be appreciated, however good that work may be! Follow these general guidelines in making a project presentation. You must also make it a point to attend as many technical seminars from invited experts so that you can learn the art of making slides and making oral presentations.
Making the slides
Delivering the presentation
Questions and Answers
About Creativity
Let us not follow where the path may lead. Let us go instead where there’s no path and leave a trail.
Japanese Proverb
Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. You will be certain to find something you have never seen before
Alexander Graham Bell
Creativity often rewards the non-conformist, the iconoclast, the generalist who treats life not as a linear fast track to success, but as a forest of rich discoveries that one can meander through, creating one’s own trail.
Ho Kwon Ping
The creative person prefers the richness of the disordered to the stark barrenness of the simple.
Donald W. MacKinnon
The common cliché is "get real". Our watchword will be "get bizzare". Real solutions to problems (true creativity) come from fantasy rather than from file cabinet in our head.
Fred M. Amran
Detecting the wrong answer requires intelligence. To be able to ask the right question requires creativity.