C.P. Ravikumar


Conference-related activities


Member, Test Track, DATE 2011

Publications Chair, VLSI Design Conference, 2011

General Chair, VDAT 2010

Special Sessions Co-Chair, VTS 2010

Member, Test Track, DATE 2010

Publications Chair, International Conference on VLSI Design 2010

Special Sessions Co-Chair, VTS 2009

General Chair, VDAT 2009

Member, Test Track, DATE, 2009

Program Chair, TI Developer Conference, 2008

Publications Co-Chair, VLSI Design 2008

Special Sessions Co-Chair, VTS 2008

General Co-chair, ISLPED 2008

General Chair, VDAT 2008

General Co-chair, VDAT 2007

General Chair, VDAT 2006

Workshop Chair, HiPC 2005

General Chair, VDAT 2005

Workshops Chair, HiPC 2004

Sponsorship Chair, VLSI Design 2005

Member, International Advisory Committee, 10th International Symposium On Integrated Circuits, Devices & Systems

Chair, VLSI Design and Test Workshops, Mysore, August 2004

Workshop Chair, International Conference on High Performance Computing, December 2003 (Hyderabad)

Proceedings Chair, International Conference on VLSI Design, Mumbai, 2004

Member, Program Committee, PDCN 2004

General Chair of VLSI Design and Test Workshops, Bangalore 2003

Workshop Chair, International Conference on High Performance Computing, December 2002 (Bangalore)

General Chair of VLSI Design and Test Workshops, 2002 (Bangalore)

Chair for Workshop on Storage Area Networks, International Conference on High Performance Computing, December 2001 (Hyderabad)

Steering Committee of International Conference on VLSI Design (since 2002)

Program Chair for Joint VLSI Design and ASPDAC 2002 (Bangalore, India)

International Advisory Committee member for ISIC 2002 (Singapore)

International Advisory Committee member for ISIC 2001 (Singapore)

Member, International Advisory Committee, HPC Asia 2001

Member, Program Committee, (ASCAC 2000) Austrasian Symposium on Computer System Architecture

Member, Program Committee, CCGrid01 (International Symposium on Cluster Computing, 2001)

Member, Program Committee, Asia Test Symposium 2001, Japan

Member, Program Committee, ATS 2000, Taiwan

Program-Co-chair, VLSI Design Conference, 2001

Organizing Chair, VLSI Education Day, IIT Delhi, August 27, 2000

Organizing Chair, 4th International VLSI Design and Test Workshops, New Delhi, India, 2000

Organizing Chair, 3rd International VLSI Design and Test Workshops, New Delhi, India, 1999

Organizing Chair, 2nd International VLSI Design and Test Workshops, New Delhi, India, 1998

Organizing Chair, 1st International VLSI Design and Test Workshops, Chennai, India, 1998

Program Vice Chair, 5th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Chennai, India

Member, Program Committee, 11th International Conference on VLSI Design, Chennai, India, 1998

Member, Program Committee, 12th International Conference on VLSI Design, Goa, India, 1999

Member, Program Committee, HiPC '97, Bangalore, India

Student Fellowships Chair, HiPC '97,Bangalore, India and HiPC '97, Chennai, India

Organizing Chair, Workshop on Future Developments in VLSI Design and Microelectronics, 1996

Student Fellowships Chair, HiPC '96, Trivandrum, India

Student Fellowships Chair, HiPC '97, Bangalore, India

Member Program Committee, HiPC '95, New Delhi, and HiPC '97, Bangalore

Member Program Committee, PART95, Australia

Member Program Committee, Tools for Aritificial Intelligence (TAI) '93

Member Program Committee, IPPS '96, Hawaii

Member Organizing Committee, VLSI Design '95, New Delhi, India

Member Program Committee, Fault Tolerant Systems, Madras, India

Local Arrangements Chair, HiPC '95, New Delhi

Publicity Chair, IPPS '97

Publicity Chair and Publications Chair, IWPP '95, Bangalore, India